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The following sessions will be presented during Synergy 2023! 

Thursday, September 21st

Welcome to Synergy 2023!

Presenter: Brienne M. Casanave, Data Access North America

Time - 09:00

Hello, hi, and a friendly welcome to what will be two amazing days of DataFlex awesomeness!

The Future of DataFlex

Presenter: Nick Nikijuluw, Data Access Europe

Time - 09:15

DataFlex applications are all about data, and we want to modernize how you work with data in DataFlex. During this presentation we’ll discuss some short-term features we are working on as well as some long term goals we have.

What's New with DataFlex

Presenter: Harm Wibier, Data Access Europe

Time - 09:45

During this presentation we’ll provide an overview of the additions that have been made over the last several revisions of DataFlex.


30 minute break

Time - 10:30

Refreshments are available.

DataFlex Reports

Presenter: Vincent Oorsprong, Data Access Europe

Time - 11:00

Learn about the new features introduced in the reporting engine from Data Access.

Tech Stack - Changing the Way You Develop

Presenter: Bram Nijenkamp, Data Access Europe

Time - 11:30

DataFlex is the platform for stable and secure application development with the latest in technology. We will keep on doing that for many years to come, but what are our next steps? Get a sneak peek at how DataFlex will once again transform the way you develop your applications! 


1 Hour

Time - 12:15

Location: TBA

A Windows to Web Journey

Presenter: Nick Herlick, MemSys - Herlick Data Systems

Time - 13:15

Have you ever had the thought "If I ever have the chance to rewite this…". Well, MemSys did have the chance and took the opportunity to adopt new technology and enhance competitiveness in the process. You'll see what they did and how they did it.

Three Application Requirements Fulfilled

Presenter: Michael Mullan, Packaging and Technology Inspections LLC (PTI)

Time - 14:00

Three varied application How-To's that will show you:

  • A registration system that uses QR codes to enable application installation

  • A hashing technique to ensure data integrity for highly secure application requirements

  • A simple technique for adding a report to an app with a Button and a few properties

Read & Write Excel files with DataFlex & LibXL

Presenter: Peter van Mil, Appvantage b.v.

Time - 14:30

The DataFlex Library for LibXL makes it fast and easy to use LibXL with your applications. With the library and LibXL you can read and write Microsoft's .xlsx files without Excel or .NET - a valuable resource for both Windows and web applications.


30 minute break

Time - 15:00

Refreshments and snacks are available.

Security by Design

Presenter: Marcia Booth, Data Access North America

Time - 15:30

Ah, security… never has a single word carried so much weight yet been so diffused in what it means! Your customers wish it were as simple as checking a box, but we all know it’s not that easy. Applications need to be designed and deployed with security in mind at many levels. We consider security in every decision we make about our products, and you should, too. Join a review of how we approach the topic of security and the many security-related features, techniques, tools and updates we provide to help you deliver on this critical aspect of doing business.

Grid Layout: The Next Step in WebApp Layouts

Presenter: Bram Nijenkamp, Data Access Europe

Time - 16:00

Developing web applications in DataFlex is a breeze because of its ingenious visual designer and floating layout. Sometimes however, it just doesn't do what you want. In DataFlex 2023 we are giving you the freedom to place web controls wherever you want using the new Grid Layout system!

DF Auto

Presenter: Harm Wibier, Data Access Europe

Time - 16:30

Who still remembers this brilliantly easy method to develop character mode applications? We want to make today’s DataFlex as easy to use for new developers as DF Auto was in the past. During this presentation we will show off some of the new studio features we are working on to make this happen. 

Friday, September 22nd

Can I really do all of this with just DataFlex?

Presenter: Peter Bragg, Care Data Systems

Time - 09:00

donorflex stands as the UK's premier, award-winning software tailored specifically for the charitable sector. As a robust Windows application, its transition to the web demands innovative thinking. Peter Bragg, the lead DataFlex developer, faced the challenge of reinventing the user interface. The goal? Crafting aesthetically pleasing WebApps that break away from the conventional 'Order Entry' sample application look.

DataFlex Productivity Tips & Techniques

Presenter: Dennis Piccioni, Data Access North America

Time - 09:30

New productivity features are added to each DataFlex release and it's hard to keep up with all of them. You will learn about some you may have missed like...

  • How to edit the Filelist in the Studio

  • How to remove/add database identifiers from/to several filelist entries in one step

  • How to use the SQL Repair wizard and what it can do for you

  • How to find and replace data in many records using Database Explorer

  • The new Properties panel filters

  • The WebApp Styler

Package Manager

Presenter: Vincent Oorsprong, Data Access Europe

Time - 10:00

DataFlex contains numerous resources and methods to develop applications with speed and efficiency. “Libraries”, added a long time ago, are among those resources. In this presentation, we’ll show you how the new DataFlex Package Manager helps manage and organize Libraries in your workspaces.


30 minute break

Time - 10:30

Refreshments will be provided.

WebApp Enhancements Designed to Drive New Revenue

Presenter: Mark Eppley, Horizon Information Systems, Inc.

Time - 11:00

Many companies’ annual agreements include help desk and all recent program enhancements. But not all enhancements are created equal! Our goal was to create additional revenue streams from existing customers so we created a new model where some new features are not included in the annual subscription but are now sold as “add-on” features with an incremental, ongoing fee. The presentation will revolve on how we have integrated some newer technologies into legacy projects to add additional revenue streams.

MS Graph & oAuth Update

Presenter: Mike Peat, Unicorn InterGlobal

Time - 11:30

Microsoft has consolidated their on-line office productivity APIs, renaming those from Microsoft Office365 to Microsoft Graph. At the same time DataFlex's tools for interacting with RESTful, JSON-based APIs have improved a great deal in recent years. We'll look at how easy it now is to use those tools to interact with the Microsoft Graph API.


1 hour

Time - 12:15

Location: TBA

SQL Improvements

Presenter: Vincent Oorsprong, Data Access Europe

Time - 13:15

DataFlex applications use connectivity kits to connect to a foreign database. In the current day and time this is often Microsoft SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL but there are more. Connectivity kits provide an easy way to connect to a SQL database but do not utilize the full power that many of the SQL databases offer. To use ‘bare’ SQL, also called embedded SQL DataFlex 2023 offers a number of great improvements. 

An SQL Journey

Presenter: Matt Davidian, Datatech

Time - 14:00

DataTech has transitioned from the embedded database to SQL and learned a lot about development and deployment in the process. Matt will share:

  • Our general approach to developing SQL code and the evolution of techniques we’ve used

  • Debugging SQL

  • How we deploy changes to SQL code to customers

  • A scenario where a program automatically tests to verify SQL reports produce the same results as an old embedded report

  • How we do “no/low code” SQL reports

  • Using a common code base across Windows/Web/API to deliver reports/data

A New Tool for Your SQL Toolbox 

Presenter: Garret Mott, Automate Software

Time - 14:45

This session describes a new utility that can copy one MS SQL Database to another from within a DataFlex application. The new database can be created by the tool or it will drop an existing one by the same name and recreate it. The utility works in DataFlex 19.0 and newer. The source code is in a business process so it can be called from Windows or a WebApp.


30 minute break

Time - 15:00

Refreshments and snacks will be provided.

Hot Features

Presenter: Bram Nijenkamp, Data Access Europe

Time - 15:30

Building a solution for a customer is one thing, but making them run smoothly is another. We'll be looking at DataFlex features that give your applications that competitive edge that both you and your customers want.

Windows Apps 2.0

Presenter: Harm Wibier, Data Access Europe

Time 16:15

DataFlex 2023 empowers developers to make great looking Windows applications in exciting new ways! During this presentation we’ll have a look at how the new "FlexTron" achieves that.

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